
Primary school

Working together with primary schools is important for the ongoing learning track that we establish. We make the transition from toddler to preschooler as smooth as possible, and we teach toddlers a lot of skills in a playful way. We don’t have a partnership with a certain primary school, because we believe that parents should be free to choose with regard to this, and we don’t want to decide this for them. But we will personally transfer your child to your child’s new teacher. This means that we will personally deliver the transfer form to them after discussing it with the parent(s), and if the parents have no objections.

Speech therapist

If a child at Marosa has problems with language/speech development, we have our speech therapist Constance Willemen to help with this. She works at Logocom and she has a partnership with Marosa. Our lines of communication are short and she can offer more customised help, but we can also turn to her for tips, tricks and information about everything to do with speech/language.


For these kinds of problems, we work together with Anita Possel, child physiotherapist at Fysio Hoorn. For children at Marosa, lines of communication with regard to physiotherapy are short, and they can get customized help.

Behavioural therapist

Does your child have trouble sleeping? Do they refuse to eat? Does your toddler have temper tantrums and can you not get through to them? How can you handle your divorce so it will limit the pain for your child(ren) as much as possible? These are just a few examples of things that Nel Makkinga-Buur can help with. Together with her colleagues, who all have their own specialty, she will give you the help you need.