Parent committee

Parent committee

Would you like to influence and contribute to our policy? Do you want to be involved in the ins and outs of Marosa? Then you should join our parent committee! The parent committee has advisory powers and is informed of all intended policy changes beforehand, so that they can review them and express their vision before we come to a final decision. But the parent committee also organises activities and helps out with activities organized by Marosa.

House Rules

Aside from the official rules, the members can also contribute to their own house rules.


For Marosa, having a parent committee that actively thinks along and contributes is of essential importance. At the moment, our parent committee has 4 members. We are currently looking for a fifth.

Would you like to become a member?

Do you have any questions, comments, tips or would you like to join the committee? Feel free to contact us by sending an email to or come talk to us at our centre.